No counterfeit materials here! PEEK is a High Tech Performance Plastic. These and other factories we partner with supply only high-quality, name brand resins. Our leading premium suppliers of these materials include Rochling Plastics – Sustapeek ®, Ensinger Plastics – Tecapeek ®, and ZL Plastics – ZL ® 1500. PEEK (Polyetheretherketone) Color beige Alternative colors available black Density 1. Industrial Plastic Supply is one of the leaders in the High-Performance Plastic marketplace, and will only supply high-quality PEEK materials per our client’s specifications. While this has become standard practice, we would encourage you to use the complete call out of Victrex 450g PEEK plate or similar. Polyetheretherketone is ahigh performance thermoplastic that is strong, stiff, hard and has high temperature resistance. This semi-crystalline advanced engineering material exhibits a unique combination of high mechanical properties, temperature resistance and excellent chemical resistance making it the most popular advanced plastics material. The industry generally calls these materials PEEK 450g Plate or PEEK 450g rod, indicating that the Victrex 450g resin is used to produce the PEEK plate or PEEK rod. The Ketron PEEK family of materials is based on polyetheretherketone resin. This range of materials also includes Avaspire®, PAEK, and PEKK grades which offer similar property ranges but have slightly different properties in either impact, heat, or stress applications. VICTREX® is the leading supplier of this specialty resin with their Victrex® 450G material, although the name PEEK is generic for the resin. PEEK has excellent dimensional stability, even under elevated temperatures. It carries UL 94-V-0 flammability rating and is FDA approved for food contact. Rated as “Best” or nearly the best in all mechanical properties of plastic materials. It also makes great pump bodies, compressor components, valve seats, and housing applications.

PEEK is a highly crystalline thermoplastic with excellent properties making it an ideal material for medical, electrical, and electronic industries. Polyetheretherketone – PEEK Also available: PAEK, PEKK